Academic tutorials

By OBHS Prefects | Posted: Thursday March 16, 2023

My name is Ben Turnbull and I along with other Year 13 student leaders will be running academic tutorials during lunchtime on Thursdays in Room 102.

This is a great time for boys from Years 9 to 13 to receive help from some of the top academic students at school. If boys are having any trouble with homework, NCEA internal assessments or are confused by any of the content in class, it would be beneficial for them to attend these tutorials.

It is a great opportunity for boys to learn from students who have similar experiences and are keen to help.

We are hoping that parents/caregivers or teachers can refer students to these sessions or that students can sign up, or just drop in when they need some extra help. If you would like your son to attend, please talk to them about this first. Then complete the form found here, as this will give us an idea of what to prepare to support them the best we can.

ngā mihi,

Ben Turnbull, Matthew Bolter, Bruno Hare
Academic Prefect Group 2023