10T camp at Mt Aspiring

By Scott Mouat | Posted: Wednesday March 22, 2023

Last week was 10Ts turn to take on the challenges offered at the OBHS Mt Aspiring camp.

The weather gods were kind with just a hint of rain on the way in. 

What followed could only be described as 3 perfect days of wifi-less bliss. 

The boys spent time swimming in the pool at the bottom of Wishbone Falls, they went night tramping up the creek to see the glowworms, they went on an overnight camp and made scones or warm gooey scone mix on their camp stoves, and they spent a day kayaking, splashing, floating, and swimming on the river (often in that order). 

Hot meals were always ready back at base thanks to the 5 star service offered by the Mr McCrone Catering Co. The gastronomic delights on offer included: Mt Aspiring Stew, Mt Aspiring Sausages, Mt Aspiring Mustard Sauce, Mt Aspiring Mashed Potatoes and the never to be forgotten Mt Aspiring Chicken and Sweetcorn Soup. Dinner was followed by countless games of chess. 

After the last night’s heavy rain, the swollen creek beside the lodge offered up the final challenge of camp and threatened to hold us captive for an extra day or two. However, the now hardened team of intrepid explorers, encouraged by the thought of a warm bus and a mobile phone, braved the torrent, and under the leadership of Mr Thomas diverted the flow of the creek and made it back to the bus in time for tea and biscuits.

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