A message from the Rector

By Richard Hall | Posted: Wednesday April 5, 2023

Another term has drawn to a close and I wanted to thank all of the staff, students and parent community for their passion and support.

For me, a young man is not an idle man, he is focussed, energetic and keen to progress. He values himself, his culture and his family. Ideally, he has brought OBHS into his idea of family too.

For our new students the focus has been settling in, finding their 'tribe', their group of mates. As guest speaker Justin Nixon said on Tuesday night, “show me his mates and I will show you his future”. As parents, it ALWAYS pays to know who your son's friends are.

The resumption of normalcy, particularly with the extra curricular activities has been fantastic. We have the old problems back, such as managing the time out of school for interschools with the need to get academic runs on the board. Honestly, I think we had forgotten how busy we actually are!

Enjoy a break, if you get one over Easter. Give your young man plenty of jobs to do to help, he does not need to spend the whole holiday being horizontal. Do stuff together if you can.