A message from the Rector

By Richard Hall | Posted: Thursday June 1, 2023

As the sun continues to shine, it is important to remember the positive things about our school.

This week I have had the opportunity to show several prospective families around the school. The way in which we do it is special.


Because we invite the families to come in, and see us as we are, good, bad or otherwise. Especially in today's social media driven fact era, the come and see for yourselves approach is important.

This week showing parents and students around has once again opened my eyes to what actually is happening in our classrooms. Most are struck with just how quiet it is in the classrooms, the friendliness of the teachers and the positive firm and welcoming handshake of our students.

This is just who we are and what we offer.

With the term nearly half over, and winter officially upon us, I think it is good to stop and feel the sun on your face when you can. And the thing I love the most about my job is getting away from my desk, standing in the sun, greeting and being greeted by our boys.

Let's hope the long weekend is like that too. Enjoy your first King's birthday holiday.