The Delicious Duck Challenge

By Jacqueline Irving | Posted: Thursday June 1, 2023

Our Year 11 Food and Nutrition have undertaken a Delicious Duck Challenge to underpin how Chinese food and culture influence what New Zealanders may eat.

We were very fortunate to have Jackson Stevens in our class who shot and supplied our class with eight duck breast carcasses. 

Many students had never eaten or cooked wild duck before which we all know can be tough if cooked the wrong way. In pairs, students researched, adapted recipes, sourced ingredients, and marinated the heck out of their duck breasts. 

Knife skills were put to the test by removing the duck breasts in one piece from carcasses. A theme of Asian-inspired Duck on Rice emerged with variations in the blend of ingredients. Room 13, our classroom emitted outstanding aromas. 

In one photo you will see the designer chopping board Jackson made in Wood Technology, guided by his teacher Mr Stephen Tarasiewicz. Resin has been poured over part of the board to encase shotgun shells. 

There was not a morsel of duck left at the end of this particular lesson. These students now have another very authentic experience to use in their NCEA Food and Nutrition portfolios due at the end of this term.

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