Rugby club firewood raffle

By OBHS Rugby Club | Posted: Friday August 4, 2023

The OBHS Rugby Club firewood raffle was a huge success with over $10,000 raised by over 250 players and their families.

Members of our U15 Blues team and their families travelled to Balclutha to chop and load the firewood last Sunday.

There was a huge effort by all involved and we would like to thank them for their time and effort.

Thanks to: Hanlan and Zak Corbett, Tony Smith, Cliff Brenssell, Rod Askin, Aaron Passey, Kylie Ruwhiu-Karawana, Matthew Breen, Jon McClean, Brett, Natalie, Eddie and Hunter Burgess.

Thank you to Tiffs Engineering in Milton for the use of a wood splitter to speed the process along.

Thank you to Dynes Transport for bringing the wood back to Dunedin and storing it for us!

A massive thanks to the Burgess family for the donation of the firewood and the use of their farm and machinery. Without them this fundraiser would not be possible or as successful.

The wood will now be delivered and stacked by our 1st XV team to our winners:

Mike Jackson
Riley Horne
Jack Nelson

The funds raised have purchased an iron sled for the rugby club, and an alternate strip for the junior club. The Under 15s sales will go towards their international tournament costs with their team raising 1/4 of the total funds raised.

The student that sold the most raffles was Tupou Alesana raising $850. Well done Tupou!

Thank you to everyone involved behind the scenes and our community for supporting our fundraiser. 

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