Clay target update

By Jacqueline Irving | Posted: Thursday September 7, 2023

The road trip through Central Otago last weekend is always one of the highlights in our shooting calendar.

There were some disappointed boys who could not take part due to returning from tournament week and recovering from injury. Johnathon King, Shamus Young, Hunter Burgess, and Dustin Young proved that time and money invested in training reaps rewards.

Greg King organised access to the Wanaka Gun Club on Saturday. This allowed Johnathon and Shamus the opportunity to shoot alongside students from Southland Boys' High School and local club members in perfect conditions as a training day.

It was an early and foggy start at the Alexandra Clay Target Club on Sunday. Fog covered Cromwell and Alexandra until mid-morning which made for poor visibility for those shooting Skeet. Johnathon, Year 12 and Dustin, Year 10 took it all in their stride as good sportsmen should. Johnathon shot particularly well as you see below in our results.

The sun was out and fog dispersing when Shamus, Dustin, Johnathon and Hunter commenced their DTL (down the line) events. For those not in the know, this involves 25 Single Rise - the boys can use both barrels of the gun to fire so they have two cartridges of ammunition in their gun. They get a point if they hit the target. 10 Single Barrel - firing with one barrel only for each shot. Points Score - boys start with a perfect score of 60, they may use both barrels and lose points for every shot they drop. The aim here is to hit your target on your first shot, you retain your points that way.

With Sunday being Fathers Day, we had some extra special treats on the BBQ. Greg King cooked up paua that Carl Burgess (father of Hunter Burgess) provided. We were all spoilt with a first taste of this season's whitebait caught by Hunter's grandfather Alan Burgess, which was personally delivered to us at Galloway. Thank you to Greg King, Kris Dickinson, Zita Young, Melanie Burgess, and Helen-May Burgess who all contributed to Sunday's event.

Wanaka Club Shoot, Saturday 2/9/23

Johnathon King DTL and Skeet
Shamus Young DTL

Alexandra Intercollegiate, Sunday 3/9/23
Johnathon King, Shamus Young, Hunter Burgess, and Dustin Young
Shamus Young First Senior Single Barrel

Lower South Island Fish and Game Shields Galloway 3/9/23
Otago 3-person Skeet Team containing Johnathon King won Skeet
Otago 5-person DTL Team containing Shamus Young won DTL

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