Dunedin Youth Council 2024

By Dunedin City Council | Posted: Tuesday November 7, 2023

Are you passionate about representing the voice of rangatahi/youth in Ōtepoti/Dunedin?

Do you want to develop your skills, and meet a bunch of new and exciting people?

The Dunedin Youth Council is a group of enthusiastic students, who want to contribute to making Ōtepoti a more inclusive and engaging place for rangatahi to live, and we’re looking for new representatives for 2024!

The DYC has been involved in and hosted events for Race Relations, Pride Month, Plastic Free July, the Elections and more.

We share our voice, thoughts, opinions, values and aspirations with the Dunedin City Council regarding projects, planning and strategies that impact the city's youth population and act as youth representatives at community forums, panels etc.

If these events and opportunities interest you, head over to the Application Form to apply!

These applications are due by Wednesday November 22nd 2023, and the new candidates will be selected by the beginning of December 2023. With induction into the DYC commencing in January/February 2024. All applicants will be contacted by early December and informed of the outcome of their application.

We look forward to welcoming new councillors for 2024. For any questions or more information, head to our Facebook page.