School House Newsletter - End of Term 4

By Vai Mahutariki | Posted: Saturday December 9, 2023

Welcome to our final newsletter for the year

The end of the year has finally arrived and it has been a very successful year for our School House hostel boys in more ways then one.  From academic success, to sporting and cultural success, right through to getting to know new people and making new friends.  Our boys have taken on challenges and adversity and overcome many obstacles to be able to reflect on a positive and successful year.  We will all our families a safe and enjoyable summer and look forward to reconnecting again in 2024 along with welcoming our new families to the School House community and wider whanau.  Take care and see you in the new year.  To our Year 13s all the best in your next adventure.

Junior Good Bugger Award

Congratulations to Year 10 Leo Burgess who was awarded the Junior Good Bugger Award for 2023.  Leo received this acknowledgement as someone who lives and school and hostel values.  He has always put his hand up to help others around him as well as staff.  Gets on with things with no fuss. Has a great positive attitude in all he does and give his very best.  Added to this Leo has received commendations for great effort in his school work, he has supported multiple sporting and school events with playing the bagpipes and adding value to the traditions of Otago Boys' High School.  More importantly he is a good bloke around the hostel and a great friend to his mates.  Well done Leo.

Image by: Vai Mahutariki

Man of the Week

Congratulations to Year 9 'Tee' Chairak Satchachai who has always has a big smile while happy to help out around the hostel regardless of what is needed. A friendly personality who gets along with all his School House brothers. Well done Tee.Congratulations to Year 10 Jack West for being a great help around hostel and demonstrating excellent new knowledge while at a school trip to the University of Otago this week when quizzed as a group. Well done Jack.

Image by: Vai Mahutariki

Amazing Race - Final Activity - First Mitchel Cup Competition 2024

All our Juniors had a great afternoon on the last night of school term in the hostel competing in a custom made Amazing Race led by our Senior Director Pita Sinamoni and the Housemasters.  Boys competed for the first competition points in the Mitchel Cup for 2024. The leads swung backwards and forwards between every house as clues were used to solve problems and next items of interest were located.  Lots of fun was had by all and was followed by a nice BBQ and prize giving.  Well done for Hawthorne House who won the event.

Image by: Vai Mahutariki
Image by: Vai Mahutariki
Image by: Vai Mahutariki
Image by: Vai Mahutariki
Image by: Vai Mahutariki
Image by: Vai Mahutariki
Image by: Vai Mahutariki
Image by: Vai Mahutariki

Junior Prize giving

Last weeks Junior Prize giving was held and went very smoothly.  Congratulations to all our hostel boys who were acknowldged.  Here is a link of the photos.

Image by: Vai Mahutariki
Image by: Vai Mahutariki


Please remember to label all your clothing for 2024.  Also a reminder to bring a mattress protector.  

Labeling Clothing

This is a friendly reminder to ensure all of our boys clothing items are labelled. Here are some online companies as per below links to try if you wish. Also at the Bottom is Embroideme in Dunedin who do iron on options. You can use permanent marker to label clothing also.

Name Label Companies

Based in Auckland

Name it

Embroidme, Dunedin. - ph: 03-4777057

Iron On Name Labels - 20 labels for $30, 48 labels for $50, 100 labels for $65, and 200 labels for $94.

Upcoming Dates:

Friday 19th January 2024 - Hostel Prefects Leadership Camp

Sunday 28th January - Year 9s and Year 13s return to Hostel

Monday 29th January - Year 9 and Year 13 Start of Term 1, and Year 10s return to hostel.

Tuesday 30th January - Year 10s start school, and Year 11s and 12s return to hostel

Wednesday 31st January - Full School Day.

Friday 2nd February -Monday 5th February - Year 9 Hostel Camp (Hostel will stay open as usual)

Tuesday 6th February - School Closed - Waitangi Day (Hostel will stay open)

Follow us on our social media platforms Instagram: @obhshostel and Facebook Otago Boys’ High School Hostel for information and activities our boys are doing.

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