On Tuesday, 1 February 2022 the Otago Boys’ High School 1st XI played their first traditional fixture of the year against an invitational Old Boy’s XI in a 40 Over match on Littlebourne.
Otago Water Polo is hosting two club open nights on the 3rd and 4th of February at Moana Pool, we would love to see any and all players from the school community attend!
There are a limited number of lockers available for students to hire.
On Monday we welcomed our new students and staff members for 2022.
Under the Red Traffic Light structure, staff and students are required to wear a mask in class. This is alongside the other protections in place, such as the hygiene rules well established now, spacin...
As was signalled at the end of last year at our Junior Prize Giving, from this year, it will no longer be acceptable for any student to use a mobile phone at school.
I’m sure you are aware that the school bus service offered by Otago Road Services from Brighton directly to OBHS/OGHS ceased at the end of last term. You may have read the article in the ODT.
Here is the information you need for Monday. We are aware, especially given the new traffic light system that there may be some anxiety.
Welcome to our first newsletter of 2022.
An opportunity for a teacher of Design and Visual Communication, which includes supporting technology subjects, exists at our school.
Decision to ban mobile phone use at school from 2022.
On Wednesday morning the junior school assembled to celebrate the success of our junior students.
The Māori Education Trust 2022 Scholarship Programme is open, and offers scholarships to Māori secondary school and tertiary students who meet the respective scholarship’s criteria.
In Year 10 art the students have looked at artist Shepard Fairey's Obama 'Hope' political campaign poster.
The administration staff would like to wish our school community a very Merry Christmas and a happy and safe New Year. We look forward to welcoming current and new students along with their families t...
2021 has been another challenging year for everyone but I am extremely proud of the way the Rector, staff, pupils, and the wider Otago Boys’ High School community have supported each other over this t...
A good number of the class were there early on Sunday morning to load the bus and before 7am, with everyone present, Mr King waved us away.
Some great news.
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