Bring Your Own Device

We believe that a ‘blended’ approach to teaching and learning is the most appropriate way to deliver the curriculum in the 21st century. Blended learning classrooms use the best of both worlds - digital and paper - to support learning. The focus is on learning rather than the device. When and how a digital device is used is dependent on the learning goal for each lesson. Our staff recognise the important role that digital technology plays in engaging our 21st-century learners, accessing information and collaborating and sharing with others. 

All students are expected to bring in a device.

We have placed some clear guidelines around BYOD:

  • Devices can only be used in the classroom for work as directed by the teacher.
  • A student is fully responsible for the care and upkeep of his own device. The device must be fully charged at the start of each day. Please ensure the device is covered in your household insurance policy.
  • Only laptops with a screen of 11.6 inches or larger may be brought into school. Mobile phones cannot be used in the classroom. We deem 11.6 inches to be the smallest size a screen may be and still be of active use across a range of applications.

Otago Boys’ High School recommends boys have a laptop style device. If you have an existing chromebook, this will work for students in the junior school. If you are buying a new device, please see the recommended specifications linked below. This style of device will be more suitable as the boys move into the senior school.

Device Recommendation short version

Device Recommendation full version

You are welcome to use any retailer of your choosing to purchase a device. 

The links below are filtered results of laptops based around the recommended specifications:

 Harvey Norman, Noel Leeming, Golden Leaf, PB Technologies, JB Hifi etc..